Tutorial: Region Lists

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What are region lists?

Region lists are a convenient way to group a collection of regions. For example, all countries are available in UUorld, but we may only wish to work with countries in Europe. By grouping all European countries into a region list, we can quickly isolate and manipulate the data of interest.

UUorld is shipped with a number of standard region lists preloaded. These are visible in the lower half of the Data Tab:

Selecting a statistic, then a region list (or vice versa), and UUorld will show the statistic for the chosen group of regions. By default, an "All" region list is created for each border set that you import; this region list cannot be deleted.

Create a region list

It is simple to create a new region list. You can either create a new region list manually, or import a CSV file.

To create a region list manually, click the New button at the bottom of the Data Tab. You will be prompted to enter a name for the new region list. Use the checkboxes to choose which regions are in the list. A quick-find box helps the process. Selecting the chosen checkbox will cause only the regions currently in the list to be displayed, allowing you to review the list before saving it.

Regions in a region list must all be part of the same region set. For example, regions from the Country set cannot be mixed with regions in the State set.

Click OK to save the region list.

Importing region lists

This process can be tedious for large region lists, so UUorld also gives you the option to bulk import region lists from CSV files. Click File, Import Region Lists. Select a CSV file to import, and UUorld will prompt you to match the file against existing region sets. The new region list will be named with the name of the file.

To format a CSV for a region list, simple create a single column file containing the names of the regions, each on its own line. For example, in the case of Central American countries (as above), we could have created a file named Central American Countires.csv and placed the following lines inside (note the lack of a header line):

Costa Rica
El Salvador

We could have also used a different naming convention available in UUorld. In this case, the ISO 3166 Trigram format might have been used, in which case the CSV file would contain:


After importing the region list, it can be modified or deleted.

Edit a region list

This process is similar to creating a new region list. In the Data Tab, select the region list you would like to edit, then click Edit. Change the region list name as desired, and select (or deselect) the regions that should be in the list. Click OK to save your changes.

If you have questions beyond what is covered in here, don't hesitate to write to us. We're happy to help.