Help Pages » Data Tab
The Data tab provides a way to change stats and regions without leaving the map window.
Note: You can expand the size of this tab by clicking and dragging the vertical divider that splits this tab from the main map.
General Usage
Choose the statistic you are interested in and the region lists will auto-filter leaving only the region lists that are supported by the data. The reverse also works. Choose a region list and only the statistics that match at least one region in the list will appear.
To show all statistics and all regions, make sure that no checkboxes are checked.
Type into the search boxes to filter which statistics or region lists are shown.
The X button clears the search box.
Checking the Chosen button causes only the selected statistic or region list to be displayed.
Region List Editing
To modify an existing region list, click on the region list, then click modify to add or remove regions from the list.
When editing or creating a region list, selecting the Chosen box will display which regions are currently in the region list.
To create a new region list, click New at the bottom of the display tab. Chosen regions must be at the same region level; for example, you will be able to choose all counties of all states, but not a mix of counties and states at the same time. New region lists must be given a name.
To permanently remove a region list from UUorld, click Delete. The selected region list will be deleted, but any statistics associated with the region list will remain in UUorld. Region lists beginning with the prefix "All" are created when new border sets are imported, and cannot be deleted.
If you have questions beyond what is covered in here, don't hesitate to write to us. We're happy to help.