Help Pages » Display Tab
The Display tab provides options for adjusting the main image.
Note: You can expand the size of this tab by clicking and dragging the vertical divider that splits this tab from the main map.
Display Mode
3d (Extrusions) or 2d (Color Changes)
Magnitudes can be displayed as height in 3D, or color, or both at the same time. See color selections below.
Region Display
When you adjust scale, the proportions between regions remain the same and all heights increase or decrease. Region heights are a percentage of the highest value attained by any region at any included time. You can adjust included times in the Analyze Tab.
This slider makes regions more or less transparent.
Labels (Names and Values)
These checkboxes turn on and off the display of region names and data values. When checked these labels appear on top of regions. Label sensitivity limits how many labels appear. At whatever sensitivity, labels adjust automatically while zooming in and out.
Scientific Notation
When this box is checked, values are shown as multiplied by a power of ten, e.g. 56,000 will be shown as 5.6e+4.
The Name checkbox toggles the display of the statistic's title as an overlay on top of the current map. The Date can be turned on or off as well, and options for formatting the date are also available (U and the format can be adjusted.
Random Colors
In this case, height alone corresponds to magnitudes, and regions will be given colors at random.
Colors By Value
With this setting, colors correspond to magnitudes according to the color spectrum shown, with low values matched to leftmost colors and high values to rightmost colors.
Colors By Change
This setting applies only to time-series data. Region color is determined by the rate of change for each region at each point in the time series. Negative rates of change are colored with the leftmost colors in the spectrum, and positive rates of change are shown with rightmost colors. Unchanging values will be indicated with the color at the center of the spectrum. The sensitivity option (described below) is useful for fine-tuning this type of map.
The Color Spectrum
Click on the color spectrum to select a new preset color spectrum or to create your own. Options for editing and deleting existing spectrums are also available.
The "sensitivity" setting determines what rate of change triggers each color in the spectrum. Using a low number means small changes cause color changes. Using a high number means a greater change in the data is required for colors to change.
Background Color
Click the colored box to select a new background color for the map.
Region outlines can be enabled or disabled by toggling this checkbox. A new outline color can be selected by clicking the colored box.
Earth Imagery
The "blue marble" background satellite image is provided courtesy of NASA and can be hidden or shown by toggling this box.
If you have questions beyond what is covered in here, don't hesitate to write to us. We're happy to help.