Help Pages » Analyze Tab
The Analyze tab provides tools for viewing, sorting and filtering data.
Note: You can expand the size of this tab by clicking and dragging the vertical divider that splits this tab from the main map.
More Info
This button opens a pop-up window with metadata, including source name and date, a URL if available, and notes or summary information. Sometimes information contained here can be important to the interpretation of statistics.
Date Settings
The start and stop dates bracket the data displayed in the main map. Because all regions are scaled off of the highest data value for any region at across all available times, adjusting these dates will impact the scale of the map.
For example, if the highest values in the statistic are in early dates, the later dates will be scaled lower. If the earlier dates are clipped out, the later dates will rescale to the newest highest region.
Ground Level
By increasing the ground level the main image can be adjusted to include only the regions with higher values. This adjustment is most useful when the lowest values are substantially greater than zero. Cutting out the bottom is common in charts and usually is shown by a zigzag that indicated part of the axis has been removed. Think of the Dow Jones which trades over 10,000 but you only see the top portion of the graph.
The summary tab allows browsing and sorting of various descriptors of the current statistic. For example, click on the Max header to sort by maximum value. Uncheck the box next to a region to remove that region from display. The main map will rescale if you remove the region with the highest max value.
Raw Data
This table shows the original data. It is not possible to copy and paste from this table. If you need to obtain a copy of the original data for the map you are viewing, use the Export CSV option in the Exports tab.
If you have questions beyond what is covered in here, don't hesitate to write to us. We're happy to help.