Help Pages » FAQs
How does UUorld work?UUorld visualizes quantitative statistics about geographic regions. Each region is extruded from a map such that the height of the region is correlated with that region's statistical value at a given point in time.
What kind of statistics are supported?
Any statistic that can be quantified to a region. Statistics about geographic points or statistics that cannot be correlated to a place are not supported.
What is thematic mapping?
Thematic mapping is a specialized kind of mapping that attempts to visualize data about places on maps. Often thematic maps are chloropleth maps that correlate the colors of a region to a statistical value for that region, e.g. election maps showing red and blue states.
For more information about larger trends in thematic mapping, we recommend the Wikipedia article or 's excellent website.
How can I see more data in UUorld?
You can click the prominent Browse Stats button in UUorld to open a window that allows you to instantly download any of the thousands of free stats in the UUorld data collection.
You can also import your own custom stats. See the stat import tutorial.
How do I move around the map?
Click and drag the map to move around. Use the navigation options on the bottom panel to change the tilt or zoom. The N, S, E, W buttons will orient the map to the north, south, east, or west. Alternatively, right-click and drag the map to adjust tilt or rotation. For more, please see the full list of keyboard shortcuts.
How can I share a map that I've made?
Open the Exports tab to save your map as an image or to record a video. Other export formats are also supported.
What can I do if there is a problem with UUorld?
We are happy to help you with any problems you may encounter. Use the feedback button within UUorld, or visit our contact page. Be sure to include a way for us to get in touch with you.
If you have questions beyond what is covered in here, don't hesitate to write to us. We're happy to help.